Thursday, February 18, 2010

No Cuts

A few months ago I was in a massive back-up in a Christian university's free parking garage after a concert there. The back-up was especially bad because, given the fact that pretty much all the people in this garage were Christians, I believe everyone was trying to be nice by letting others in front of them. This made for a messy situation, but clear consciences for all the Christian drivers.

Then one driver dared to be different by refusing to stop when someone tried to pull out of a parking spot in from of them, even to the point of going around the car that was halfway out of the spot. Christian Fail.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christian FAIL

So what is a Christian FAIL? Well, the basis of the Christian faith is that we are, in fact, failures, which is why we need Christ. However, I'm not talking about that serious business here. I'm talking about the little things Christians do (or don't do) that cause other Christians to secretly judge them, but wouldn't cause anyone else to bat an eye. Maybe they send out Christmas cards that in no way acknowledge the birth of our Savior but praise Santa and snowmen. Maybe they spill their grape juice on their white shirt during communion. Or they refuse to shake hands with anyone during the meet & greet at church. The possibilities are endless.

So what are some of your fails? Or, if you never fail, what are some that you've witnessed? Send an email to the link on the left and share your stories!